Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Midweek Reflections on Prayer, Writing and Coffee

I intone a morning prayer before I put the coffee on to brew or sit down to write. As I listen to the coffee brew, I turn my computer on and wait for it to wake up. Once my computer is awake, I pour myself a cup of coffee, take a sip, and then sit down to write.

Morning is inspiring.
Prayer is inspiring.
Coffee is inspiring.

I do not always write about prayer, meditation, coffee, or computers. Sometimes I write a funny story or a sad poem, but my creative efforts always follow prayer and coffee (in that order). Is this a ritual? Is this a way to wake up my muse? Is this a habit? The answer to all three questions are yes because I cannot write without beginning my day with gratitude or a prayer asking forgiveness.

I have a favorite coffee that is the color of black silk and strong enough to carry my memories back to my grandfather who brewed "Cowboy Coffee". Sometimes I have a favorite prayer, which covers some difficulty I am facing. Sometimes I open my prayer book to a random  page and read the first prayer I lay eyes on. Life is to short to go without prayer, coffee, or writing.

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