Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day Grandpa Frank

Dear Grandpa Frank,

You are my father figure. You are the one who believed in me and taught me how coffee should be made. I watched you make your "Cowboy Coffee". I watched you drink it and I watched you wash out your coffee cup.

You are my father figure. I watched you sit at the breakfast table and roll your cigarettes. I watched you place them one-by-one into the cigarette case, place it in your shirt pocket, and the go outside to smoke. I remember you sitting in the car or under the cottonwood tree smoking. I remember you going into your "smoking room" when you smoked in the house.

Grandpa Frank, I remember you taking us to the Lake where we went water skiing or lit fireworks on the fourth of July. I remember you taking use to church on Easter and Christmas. You took us to church the rest of the year, but it was the holiday pageants that stand out in my memories.

Grandpa, I miss you. Grandpa, I love you. I hope that you have a good Father's Day in heaven.

Your oldest granddaughter

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