Saturday, January 18, 2014

Moving Forward

I'm not sure how I feel this morning. I want to move forward. I want to move out of this house into a smaller place, but I'm having second thoughts about the studio apartment. It's small and there isn't enough room for everything I want to take. I don't think I'll be able to take the bookcase or very many of my books, so I'm either going to have  to put them in storage or give them away.

one day at a time
I move forward but look back
I need to focus

I'm planning on remaining in the apartment for at least six months, which means a complete change in my routine. Since  there is no washer or dryer in the apartment or the apartment building, I'll have to stop doing laundry every day and decide on a laundry day and go to the laundromat. This is another expense to my already tight budget, I'm worried, but I don't think it's anything I can't handle with a little creativity and ingenuity.

one day at a time
I move into tomorrow
yesterday is past

Right now I feel as if I'm stuck and not moving forward. It's as if I'm in the calm eye of a story waiting for the winds to pick up and carry me off into the unknown. I'm nervous (which is normal) and I can't see beyond the darkness of  the surrounding clouds. The problems is, that I didn't think moving forward and getting on with my life after Mom died would be so difficulty or take so long.

one day at a time
I move into the unknown
a new adventure

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