Friday, July 23, 2010

One crises right after another

Lately it seems there is one crises right after another. One problem is solved and two more arrive at the door. Yesterday, I submitted a poem to a contest. I reread the poem before submitting and concluded it was finished.

The poem is finish. It is a good poem. However, I feel there is something missing. I think the emotion could have been stronger. I believe I am having a writing crisis or a least  a poetry writing crisis. I just seem to be one thing right after another lately.

I need to get a new starter for the car, which has nothing to do with writing poetry. I could write poem about the car and the starter. The problem is feeling about a car and a started. In addition, I am missing a dishpan; I am sure my mother put the dishpan away somewhere in the house, but it is not in the kitchen.

Mom has Alzheimer's disease. She puts items away and then forgets where she put them. There is no use asking Mom where the dishpan is because she would only get angry. Anger and short-term memory issues are symptoms of Alzheimer's. There are other symptoms, but right now the symptoms causing the biggest issues are short-term memory loss and anger. Perhaps I should write some poetry about the way Alzheimer's disease is impacting Mom and me.

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