Things I have to do in the next nineteen days
Fidál (Grace), 1 Jamál (Beauty), 166 BE – Tuesday, April 28, 2009 about 10:22 AM Pacific Time
A new nineteen-day period of achievement began last night at sunset. We attended the Feast of Beauty last night. We arrived safely at the location of the Feast and returned home safely. In this nineteen days, Mom has out patient surgery to open a tear duct on Thursday, April 30 and I have a dental appointment on Thursday, May 7.
In addition, I have to determine whether the dryer is fixable or I have to get a new dryer. In the mean time, I have to go to Home Depot and see if I can get a cloths line of some type. Perhaps I'll just stick with the cloths line for a while, at least this summer. I like drying cloths outside in the spring, summer and autumn, but winter is a different story. In winter, the neighbors use wood burning fireplaces and the scent of the smoke gets into the cloths.
I think there is a Home Depot on Lamb, which isn't very far from where I live. So I'll go there and see what they have as far as cloths lines are concerned. If I don't get a cloths line then I have to either get the dryer fixed or take the cloths to the launder mat to dry them. Going to the launder mat is a hassle and a dryer is expensive, besides if I dry cloths on a line outside it saves electricity.
There are probably other things I have to do in the next nineteen days, but I haven't decided on what they are yet. Mother's Day is May 10, I have a gift card for Chili's so perhaps Mom and I will go there for desert. I like there sandwiches as well. However, if we order sandwiches then Mom can't eat desert, which is made of ice cream.
A new nineteen-day period of achievement began last night at sunset. We attended the Feast of Beauty last night. We arrived safely at the location of the Feast and returned home safely. In this nineteen days, Mom has out patient surgery to open a tear duct on Thursday, April 30 and I have a dental appointment on Thursday, May 7.
In addition, I have to determine whether the dryer is fixable or I have to get a new dryer. In the mean time, I have to go to Home Depot and see if I can get a cloths line of some type. Perhaps I'll just stick with the cloths line for a while, at least this summer. I like drying cloths outside in the spring, summer and autumn, but winter is a different story. In winter, the neighbors use wood burning fireplaces and the scent of the smoke gets into the cloths.
I think there is a Home Depot on Lamb, which isn't very far from where I live. So I'll go there and see what they have as far as cloths lines are concerned. If I don't get a cloths line then I have to either get the dryer fixed or take the cloths to the launder mat to dry them. Going to the launder mat is a hassle and a dryer is expensive, besides if I dry cloths on a line outside it saves electricity.
There are probably other things I have to do in the next nineteen days, but I haven't decided on what they are yet. Mother's Day is May 10, I have a gift card for Chili's so perhaps Mom and I will go there for desert. I like there sandwiches as well. However, if we order sandwiches then Mom can't eat desert, which is made of ice cream.
Labels: Beauty, dryer, Mothers' Day

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