Monday is Clean out your computer day
Monday, February 9, is the second Monday of the month, which is Clean Out Your Computer Day. This is the day everyone is supposed to go through their computer files and programs then delete any that are no longer of any use.
All writers should commemorate this day by cleaning out their computer. It is easy enough to do you just buy a huge batch of blank CDs. Next, you go through the files on your computer and determine which files are useless junk and which contain story related pieces of information. Now comes the hard part, deciding which files you do not need for stories you are now working on.
Now transfer all the story related files you that are not needed for present projects to a blank CD. Label the CD and put it in a safe place. Now you are ready to burn back-up CDs for anything you are working on.
This is going to take a bit of time. I know that I am going to need several months of working only the second Monday of the month to completely clear the old files off my computer and burn back-up CDs for everything.
Have fun on Monday and clean out your computer. While you are at it send your boss and all your co-workers an e-card that says "Happy Clean Out your Computer Day". If yo cannot find a card with that specific message then create your own message using a blank e-card, after all you are a writer and creating your own verses for e-cards is much more fun the using a card written by someone else.
All writers should commemorate this day by cleaning out their computer. It is easy enough to do you just buy a huge batch of blank CDs. Next, you go through the files on your computer and determine which files are useless junk and which contain story related pieces of information. Now comes the hard part, deciding which files you do not need for stories you are now working on.
Now transfer all the story related files you that are not needed for present projects to a blank CD. Label the CD and put it in a safe place. Now you are ready to burn back-up CDs for anything you are working on.
This is going to take a bit of time. I know that I am going to need several months of working only the second Monday of the month to completely clear the old files off my computer and burn back-up CDs for everything.
Have fun on Monday and clean out your computer. While you are at it send your boss and all your co-workers an e-card that says "Happy Clean Out your Computer Day". If yo cannot find a card with that specific message then create your own message using a blank e-card, after all you are a writer and creating your own verses for e-cards is much more fun the using a card written by someone else.

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