Thursday, August 13, 2015

Setting the Writing and Reviewing Mood

On Wednesday, August 12, this week's editions of the newsletters came out. The title of the Noticing Newbies newsletter is "Setting the 'Mood'" and discusses getting in the mood for writing. According to the newsletter's editor everyone has their own way to get into the writing mood. All authors have a routine that must occur so that they can focus on writing and cut down on the distractions.

I know that I have a routine which I usually follow. That routine is take my thyroid medication, brew coffee, and then meditate or say prayers while I am waiting for the coffee to brew. This morning that routine was interrupted when I woke up at, 12:30 am Pacific Daylight time, and was unable to get back to sleep. Since 12:30 was too early to take my thyroid medication (I usually take that pill between 3:00 and 4:00 am), I went directly to prayers and meditation. I said some prayers and meditated. After that I turned on the computer to log into

It was sometime between 1:30 and 2:00 am when I logged in. I respond to three blog prompts, posted those in my blog and another journal, posted those and then checked the time. It was now 3:00 and time to take my thyroid medication. I logged out, took my meds, and put the coffee onto brew. I usually have my first cup of coffee about thirty minutes after I take my thyroid tablet. I sit down on the couch to write in my pen and paper journal while I was waiting for the coffee to brew. I wrote one paragraph and then went to sleep.

I woke up again about 5:30 or 6:00 am. Since it was time to eat, I fixed myself my first breakfast. I was ready to review, or at least I thought I was ready. I clicked a newsletter so that I could begin reading and reviewing the Editors' Picks for this week. I found I could not focus on either a story or a poem. I leaned back into my chair to figure out what was wrong and that is when it hit me. I do not review until after I have written something.

This morning, my messed up routine prevented me from focusing on the items I wanted to review. I have to write something of my own before I can review the work of anyone else. At that moment, I decided to get myself another cup of coffee and compose this blog entry. This being done, I am going to post it, pour my third cup of coffee, and then review a few items from the Editors' Picks.

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