Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tuesday's Tip: Ten Ways I Overcome Writer's Block

01. I open my front door each morning in order to hear the birds sing and the rooster crow. As most of you know, I live in a studio apartment in Las Vegas. You do not expect to find rooster in the city, however, I live in a section of town where someone has a rooster. He does his duty everyday at dawn and announces the rising sun.

02. I visit my doctors (yes, I have more then one doctor) at regular intervals. When I go I take a journal or a note pad and a pin so that I can write down any ideas I get. I also take note of any unusual things I see. After all I do live in Las Vegas were unusual thing happen all the time.

03. I make myself a fresh carafe of coffee every morning because cause coffee is one of my muse. I can wax poetic (excuse the cliché) about my love for coffee.

04. I take one or two small plastic grocery bags of trash to the dumpster in the alley everyday. I do this for three reasons (1) the trash has to go out every day or it pills up, (2) walking to the alley is good exercise, and (3) I get ideas for stories or poems from simply going outside for a little while each day.

05. When I receive a check, I go to the bank to deposit it rather then doing it over my phone. This gets me out of the house so that I can meet people (Las Vegas is full of intriguing people) and get ideas for characters.

06. I do my own grocery shopping. Going to the grocery store three or four times a month allows me to interact with people. It is amazing how friendly people are in the grocery store. I also have new experiences, just the other day I rode in one of the little electric shopping carts. This is an experience I can use in a story.

07. I wash dishes by hand. There is nothing more relaxing then standing at the sink with my hand in hot dishwater staring at the wall in front of me while I contemplate a story or poem. I even wrote a poem about washing dishes.

08. I take my clothes to the laundromat. The laundromat I go to has all the modern conveniences that a person could want. I do not have to carry quarters with me because the washers and the dryers take a special debit card. I just put fives or tens in the debit card machine and it gives me a card to use.

09. I take an afternoon nap every day about 12:30 or 1:00 pm. It is amazing what a little nap will do for my muse.

10. I pray and meditate every day.

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