Friday, August 15, 2014

Flash Fiction Friday: A Cock Crows at First Light

Opening the front door of her apartment, Nan stood staring into the semi-darkness of early morning. A cock-a-doodle-do of a rooster echoed across the neighborhood. "What's that," Fan ask coming up behind her.

"It's a rooster, Sis," said Nan as she switched off the porch light.

"A rooster in Las Vegas!? I thought farm animals weren't allowed in the city."

"Apparently chickens aren't considered farm animals out here."

"Nan, how long has that creature been disrupting this neighborhood."

"Disrupting? Fan, I wouldn't call it disrupting or even annoying." She smile as the cock's crow reverberated through the morning. "I find it  rather pleasant."

"Pleasant!! Big Sister, you're crazy. Roosters are dangerous." She took her cellphone out of the pocket of her robe. "I'm calling the police."

"No!" Nan took the phone out  of her sister's hands. "Metro has more to worry then your alektorophobia. Your only going to be here a couple more days, so chill out."

"I... do not... have an unreasonable fear of chickens!"

"Fan, you've been terrified of chickens ever since Granny's Bantam rooster chased us out of the hen house when we were five years old." She put  the phone in her robe pocket. "I will return your  phone when you leave."

"Then you can give it back today," she turned her back on the door. "I'm leave as soon as I can get my things packed."

"Do you need my help?"

"You're not going to stop me?"

"No," Nan shook her head. "If you stay, I promise not open the front door until after first light, when the cock stop crowing."

Author's Note: This story was inspired by a rooster somewhere in my neighborhood that crows every morning at first light. The characters and situation are fictional. This is the first in a series of Flash Fiction Friday entries.

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