Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Midweek Reflections: Surveys, Writing, Housework, and Living on a fixed income

I take surveys. I have several survey links saved to my Web Favorites so that I can access them any time of the day or night. I have the same problem with doing surveys and writing as I do with doing housework and writing. I have problem scheduling my time and my apartment shows it, so I have to start limiting the time I spend either taking surveys or writing.

I need to take the surveys and write in order to ear extra cash so that I can pay my bills. I live on a fixed income, which means paying bills is sometimes difficult. I don't have to worry about food, but there are other things I need beside food. Before the end of July I need to purchase some dish washing liquid, bar bath soap, and some personal items. I also have to get some new shoes because the pair I am wearing is almost worn out. I do have an old pair of shoes in the closet to try on. If I can wear those then I do not need to get shoes for a couple of months.

The surveys give me a little extra money, but not enough to pay all the bills and purchase the stuff that I need. In addition I think I will have to take my car into the shop to have a problem checked on it. I need a new car or at least a later model used car. I will call my mechanic up and arrange a time as soon as I can find the money to pay him. I am placing everything in God's hands because that is the only way to handle the situation.

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