Wednesday, June 04, 2014

One Word Wednesday: Choice

According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, choice is the action of deciding among several possibilities. Sometimes a person chooses between two things and sometimes between multiple possibilities. Sometimes the choice is bad and sometimes good. When the choice is bad then the person needs to correct that by making a different choice when the bad one is revealed. However, the bad choice will not be corrected by making another bad choice.

How does one determine if a choice is good or bad? First, you gather all the information you can about the present decision, while looking at past similar decisions and their results. Second, you pray or meditation on the decision you have to make. Third, you listen to your intuition, what some people call gut feeling, and, even if that feeling goes against the known facts, you follow your intuition. This is where many people, including myself, go wrong; they ignore their intuition, only to find out later that intuition was right.

I am now faced with the consequences of a wrong decisions because my intuition told me not to trust an offer of assistance. This is only one poor decision I have made in the past few months because I did not listen to my gut (intuition). I plan to correct that decision today! I know that there will be fallout from this, but I will have to deal with that. However, this time, my decision is based on prayer, meditation, and my intuition.

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