Monday, August 06, 2012

Writing Time: My virus detection program scan time interferes with my writing time

I used to write in the morning, but that has changed. Mom needs my full attention Monday through Friday between 8:00 and 8:30 AM and on Saturday or Sunday until I put her to bed around 5:00 or 5:30 PM. This makes writing difficult because I cannot focus my full attention on the writing at these times.

After Mom leaves for the daycare center then I have shopping and business to conduct outside the house, which means I do not get any writing accomplished until about 11:30 AM and sometimes later then that. Mom gets home between 3:00 and 3:30 PM, which means she needs my attention until she goes to bed.

Today, my virus detection program did not finish scanning my computer until about 12:00 PM. The program began scanning my computer about 11:36 PM on Sunday, August 5. Yesterday it took about three hours for it to scan my computer, which is longer then the 45 minutes to an hour it usually takes.

I am not a happy blogger or writer. I have a set amount of words to write each day. If the virus detection program takes longer to run then I have to stay up later to complete the word count goal. This means that sometimes I am writing half asleep, which is not a good idea because a computer is heavy equipment. I think my only solution is to change virus detection programs.

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