Saturday Writing in Las Vegas on June 23, 2012
Weariness sets in
My mind is not focusing
And my thoughts scatter
I am so tired I cannot seem to think. I stare at a blank
document and wonder what I wanted to write. I want to take a nap, but it is
Saturday and Mom is home, so lying down for a nap is out of the question.
Perhaps, if I just start writing something will come to me.
Outside a blue sky
A walk is not possible
Watch television
The weather in Las
Vegas is hot and the sky is clear. It is too hot to
take a walk because the temperatures will reach triple digits today and I
cannot take Mom out. The temperature in the house is about 79 degrees, which is
tolerable for both Mom and me.
I would like to take a walk, at least down to the corner and
back, but I cannot leave Mom in the house alone. Right now, she is watching
television or dozing. Mom watches little T.V. and then dozes a little. I got
her out of the wheelchair a couple of times this morning, but she cannot walk
very well even with the walker.
Maybe food will help
It might give me energy
Might help my focus

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