Midweek Reflections on reading a daily newspaper
As a child, my parents and grandparents subscribed to the
daily newspaper and read it everyday. I subscribe to the Las Vegas
Review-Journal and read it every day. The RJ, like all other daily newspapers,
is educational. In addition, I find ideas for poems, stories, and blog entries.
My method of newspaper reading is to pour myself a fresh cup
of coffee and sit down on the couch. Then I take the rubber band off the paper
and glance through looking for article or columns that arouse my curiosity.
This morning, Steve Sebelius’ column caught my attention. Mr. Sebelius is a
political columnist for the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
The headline of the column read, “I voted, and not many of
you can say that!” It seems that less then 8 percent of Nevadans voted in
yesterday’s primary election. I voted yesterday, which makes me one of Nevada ’s “8 percenters”
(coined by Mr. Sebelius).
I am 65 years old. I am my mother’s caregiver and the only
person who is taking care of our finances and house. I have difficulty walking
long distances and up inclines or stairs, so going to my polling place is not
easy. I took the time to get out in triple digit temperatures to cast my ballet
in the primary election. I did it for two reasons. First, it is my duty and
privilege as a citizen. Second, if I do not vote then I have no right to
complain about the outcome of the election.
One last thought before I post this. It is amazing what one
learns from a daily newspaper if you just take time to sit down and read it.
Labels: blog, Las Vegas, Las Vegas Review-Journal, primary election, Steve Sebelius

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