Too Much E-Mail
Get ready for another junk e-mail rant.
I am attempting to unclutter my e-mail boxes and my life. The problem is that it is easier to unclutter my life and my office area then it is my e-mail boxes. The truth is it is easier to unclutter my garage then it is my e-mail boxes. Right now I am down loading e-mail to my in box, I have down loaded 277 messages and only 60 of those went into my inbox the rest went into the junk mail box.
Some of the stuff I get, I do remember requesting. Other pieces of e-mail I know I did not request. I unsubscribe and it only makes things worse. I would swear that my e-mail address goes out, with the message "She just unsubscribe, punish her by sending a hundred other pieces of unwanted mail." All right maybe I am over reacting, but that is how it seems to me.
I delete, delete and delete. I unsubscribe, unsubscribe and unsubscribe; my e-mail message increase 100 fold. I do not have time to read the junk; I do scan the subject lines occasionally especially if I am looking for a story or poem idea. However, lately I have been mass deleting the junk mail box and hoping nothing important got in their by accident.
I feel better now that I have gotten that off my chest.

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