Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sacred Things

Daily Writing Practice Prompt for December 26, 2007 - Write about something Sacred.

Many things in this world that are sacred. There are religious symbols, holy books and the dawn of day. Dawn is sacred to me because you can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit when you pray. For me dawn includes the hour before and the hour after the sun rises over Sunrise Mountain.

There are two mountains on the east side of Las Vegas that are referred to as Sunrise Mountain. The name of one mountain is Sunrise Mountain and the other one is Frenchman's Mountain. I'm not sure which is which because from my house I can see both of them. I think the one that is easiest to see is Frenchman's Mountain, but I can't be sure.

The reason dawn is sacred is because of the silence and tranquility that surrounds it. Even in Las Vegas, there is a hush before and after the sunrises. In some sections of town the hush is more obvious then in others because it is a hush that is felt rather than heard.

I think dawn is probably the best time to say prayers because it feels sacred. Dawn is tranquil and the hush is felt. I enjoy dawn, I enjoy watching the sun rise and the sky turn slowly blue. At dawn the day is uncluttered by worries and fears, it is a new day with a great deal of potential; a day that one can make better then the day before.

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