Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I have a soda machine in my garage

11 Qudrat 164 B.E. - Wednesday, November 14, 2007 about 12:03 PM PST

I have a soda machine in my garage. It's one of those that you see in fast food restaurant, which can hold five canisters of soda syrup and the stuff that cause the soda to fizz. It wasn't in my garage when we moved in several years ago. It's been in the garage about two or three years now.

The way it got in my garage is really quite simple. Someone ask if I would store it there for a while and without thinking I said "Yes". The guy that ask me has since left for parts unknown and I still have the soda machine.

A year or so ago my brother-in-law took it apart to clean it and never put it back together. I'd put it back together myself, but I'm not mechanically inclined. If I could get it back together I'd either use it or sell it. I can do neither with it the way it is. I don't have a camera to take a picture of it or I'd include a photo with this post.

I really don't know what to do with it anymore. I'm not going to pay someone to take it away, so I suppose it's going to stay in my garage for a long while. I guess I could write a story about it, use it as a character in the story. I could write a poem about it. I just haven't decided which one I want to do.

If I did write a story about it what kind of story would it be? Maybe horror or a suspense thriller. I've never attempted writing suspense thrillers before that would be a new experience. Maybe call it The Nightmare in My Garage.

I'm going to have to do something with the machine before the end of 2008. Actually I'd like to get rid of it before Naw-Ruz 2008. So I'm going to have to find someone who can put it together and test it. I'm under the impression it works.

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    Blogger Punk said...

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    8:46 AM  

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