Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Easing Knee Pain

Freeze It Gel

The original injury occurred in a high school gym class. In those days gym was a required class in some high schools and junior highs (middle school today). She fell from a piece of exercise equipment onto her knee. The instructor sent her to the nurses office where a cold pack was put on the knee. Since her mother worked and there was no one at home she remained in school and went to the next class.

The only result at the time was a limp and knee pain when the weather changed. However, as Snow (her pen name) got older the knee started bothering her more. Now the knee wakes her up at night and it is difficult to get out of bed in the morning, especially in cold weather. In winter it takes Snow about thirty minutes to get up and get going in the morning because of the pain.

In addition to the difficulty, getting up in the morning standing up at poetry readings is difficult. Snow is a writer and enjoys reading her poetry in public, but because of the pain she cannot concentrate on the poem she is reading or reciting.

Freeze It would allow Snow to focus on the poem she is reading rather than the pain. It would also let her sleep through the night without pain and get up rested in the morning.

Snow would like to enter a Slam competition, but cannot because of the pain in her right knee. Winning a supply of Freeze It would allow her to enter the Slam competition without worrying about the pain. A supply of Freeze It would allow her to get up quickly of a morning and get her day started without pain.

Freeze It

Freeze It alleviates several types of pain. Three of the most common are (1) Sore Muscles, (2) Knee pain, and (3) Shoulder pain.

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