Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Multitude of Bruises

7 'Ilm 164 B.E. - Sunday, October 21, 2007 about 8:25 PM PDT

Daily writing Practice Prompt for October 21, 2007

Write about a bruise.

A Multitude of Bruises

There are many kinds of bruises. Bruises that turn black and blue when you first get them and then fade to a light brown or tan as they heal. There are bruised feelings which occur at various times through out one's life. Some bruises are forgotten almost as soon as they are heal. Some bruises you don't remember how you got them. Some bruises remain with you forever.

Two of the worst bruises I ever had occurred several years apart. One was the results of closing my finger in a car door. I still don't have any feeling in the tip of that finger. The other was the results of stepping on a nail when I was chasing a chicken. Actually, I think it was a rooster I was chasing. Anyway I drove myself to the hospital ER and got a shot.

Driving One's Self to the Hospital

Yes, I drove myself. It was my right foot that I stepped on the nail. So driving myself the few blocks to the hospital was an exercise in pain. I've know two other people who drove themselves to the hospital ER after hurting themselves and both were women. One was my mother, who (several years ago) cut her hand with a broken glass while washing dishes. The other was a friend who broke her leg when she feel on the golf course and drove herself to the ER.

That sounds like an interesting event to include in a story. The character drives herself to the hospital after getting hurt. Maybe a flash fiction, written from the main character's point f view and describing her feelings.

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