Sunday, October 14, 2007

I Need a Schedule

18 Mashiyyat 164 B.E. - Sunday, October 14, 2007 about 4:14 PM PDT

I'm going to put myself on a schedule in 'Ilm (October 16 to November 3). I can't seem to get everything done in a day so I've decided I have to do two thing prioritize and put myself on a schedule. Prioritizing shouldn't be difficult, but the schedule may be a bit of a problem.

The basic problem is I don't want to stop a job when the appoint time ends. I want to continue until I've finished it. All right with some things (like doing dishes) that's a good idea. If you stop washing dishes before the finished you just have more to do when you come back to the sink and they're more difficult to get clean. However, with other things a break is a good idea.

Writing is one of those "jobs" that taking a break makes sense. Write for the appointed time them stop and go back to it later. If you want to keep an idea book or pen and paper journal with you while you do other chores to jot down ideas then do it. The thing to remember when working on a time schedule is Do Not Complain, no matter how little you get done. complaining takes time and energy both of which can be used to accomplish "chores".

The incidents that caused me to put myself on a time schedule occurred Friday and Saturday, both of which I feel were lost days. Days I didn't get a lot of writing accomplished. I still have to set up my priority list of A, B, and C. C items can be put off if I find I'm running behind and haven't achieved all the writing goals. A items have to be done in a specific 24-hour period and can't be put off. B items are those thing that can be put off if something more important comes up.

Now that I stated my definitions for A, B, and C priorities. I should say something about the time schedule itself. Household chores (despite the fact that my Grandmother did some of them in the middle of the night) are day time jobs. Basically because I don't have enough light in the house to do a good job mopping in the middle of the night. When I mop at night and look at the floor the next day I find places I missed. Most housework is like mopping you need to do it in good light to do a good job.

Writing on the other hand can be done early of a morning and late at night. I use a computer so it has it's own built in light and it doesn't matter if there are appropriately placed lights or not. Then there are the "jobs" a person can multitask. There aren't very many chores that you can multitask well. One job that makes a good multitasking item is laundry. Laundry can be done while the dishes are being washed, while the floor is being mopped and while you're writing.

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