Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Waiting and Writing

8 Mashiyyat 164 B.E. - Wednesday, October 3, 2007 about 8:56 PM PDT

I spent over two hours waiting for my mother in the doctor's office today. She went in for a colonscope, while I sit in the waiting room reading, sleeping and meditating. Those were hours well spent. I didn't have a computer with me or a pin but I didn't need them. While I sit I came up with a twist for the NaNoWriMo novel I'm planning. The twist had to do with one of the main characters and her opposition to the lead character.

The character had given me problems when I came up with her the night before. I realized while I was writing about the lead character that I needed some opposition and a twist. I'd come up with the opposition character, but not the twist. The twist came to me while I was in the doctor's waiting room.

I've know for a long time that when I have a problem with a story or poem that I need to get away from the computer and think. This just goes to show what can happen when I get away instead of butting my head against a wall of writers' block. I still have to come up with incidents for chapters two and beyond, but the incidents for chapter 1 are ready to put down. I have until October 31 to complete the plan. That will give me plenty of time to come up with the scenes for the other chapters and decide if ten chapters is enough to tell the story in or if more would be better.

I considered 19 chapters when I first thought about the novel, but then decided that I'd plan the first 10. I may need to add chapters or something, but right now the planning is coming along find and I'd as soon not have too many chapters to work with; lust enough to get 50,000 words and complete the novel.
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