Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Beautiful Windy Day

4 Mashiyyat 164 B.E. - Saturday, September 29, 2007 about 7:13 PM PDT

It was a beautiful windy day in Las Vegas. This morning, when I took the trash to the curb, I felt the wind chill factor. It felt chilly, I wanted to come back in the house and find a sweater, but I didn't have time. The wind blew all day cooling the city at least five degrees.

I didn't catch the weather this morning and I didn't read the weather reports that come to my e-mail box, so I don't know if there was a red flag warning or not. A red flag warning this time of year doesn't surprise me. In the mountains the underbrush is dry, dead or dying. The fire danger is high and when a wild fire starts it spread quickly.

In the valley the wind was nice and cool, the central air unit didn't come on all day. It's nice when the central air unit doesn't come on because that means the electric bill won't be as high. Unfortunately, it's been on a lot this year and this September. Right now I'm contemplating turning the unit off all together, at least that way the power bill will go down. I'm not sure we need the unit on this time of year anyway.

I have to call the service people Monday and arrange for them to come in for the fall check. I don't remember getting a card, so maybe the unit's service isn't due until the end of October. The come in twice a year for free and make sure it's running properly. I'd like to get a permanent air filter for the unit. Those filters cost about $100, but they're worth it. All you have to do to clean them is take them outside once a month and turn the hose on them. That's a lot better then changing the filter once a month or once every three months.
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