Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I Finally Washed the Winter Coat

13 'Izzat 164 B.E. - Wednesday, September 19, 2007 about 7:57 PM PDT

I finally washed the winter coat that's been laying in the laundry basket since March. My mother put the coat in the blue laundry basket on March 12, the day I took her to the UMC Emergency Room at about 7:00 PM. By the time I returned home March 13 at 7:00 AM, I'd forgotten about the coat. By the time I remember the coat again, I was doing several loads of sheets a day and attempting to catch up on the rest of the laundry between driving back and forth from the hospital and Rehab center, where the took Mom after they released her from UMC.

I left the coat in the laundry basket all summer, after all I wasn't going to ware it. It was too hot for a coat, even if it was cold enough in the hospital to wear a heavy sweater. The coat laid in the basket all summer and the basket set in the breakfast room or whatever the room is called that's right next to the kitchen. I took the coat out of the basket this evening and put it in the washer. The coat has finished washer and I'm getting ready to put it in the dryer with a couple of fabric sheets.

The thing is, I'm not sure what to do with the coat after it's dried. The coat is too small for me to wear when I drive. I don't like tight cloths binding me when I'm in the car. I doubt that I'll wear the coat around the house this winter. In winter I usually wear sweaters or a couple of layers of clothing if the house gets too cold. Electricity is too expensive to keep the house at a comfortable temperature, so I keep the thermostat set fairly low in winter and high in summer. That way the central air doesn't come on very much during the day or night.

Mom may want the coat, in fact she could probably wear it better than I can. I could put the coat onto freecycle there must be someone out there that wants and can wear it. I need to get myself a new winter coat this year anyway. I haven't bought a new coat since 2000 and the coat I got then is just about wore out, besides I think it's got wool in it and for the past few years I haven't been about to wear wool next to my skin. I think the other coat is supposed to be dry cleaned, but I think I'm going to attempt washing it. Dry cleaning is just too expensive for a coat that old, which I'm probably going to rip up anyway and use for rags. All though it is getting colder, perhaps I can wash it and leave it at one of the homeless shelters. Perhaps I should take both coats to one of the shelters, which would solve the problem of what to do with them.
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