Monday, July 07, 2014

Monday Matters: Thinking about the Obvious

I am going through boxes of writing  projects I moved into the apartment. In so doing, I discovered an essay I began in 2003 titled The Obvious. After rereading the paragraph (several  times), I began wondering what I was thinking when I wrote it. Since I cannot find any notes about the paragraph, I do not know what event in my life caused me to write it.

What am I going to do with this paragraph? Do I just tear up the essay and forget about it? Do I rewrite the paragraph and use it in a flash fiction or short story? Do I turn it into a poem? I am letting those questions slide for the moment and copying the paragraph into this blog entry.

The Obvious

"What is obvious is that the obvious sometimes needs to be stated; needs to be proclaimed from the highest rooftops; needs to be shouted through a megaphone; because the obvious is not always obvious to everyone. Or the obvious is ignored. Walked around, tiptoed over, and tunneled under. True you cannot ignore the obvious for long, especially if someone states it. So never be afraid to state the obvious. After all not everyone is looking in the same direction. Not everyone want to see the obvious."

Looking over this paragraph again, I think the first thing I have to do is look at the grammar before rewriting it. The second thing is to decide whether to continue it as an essay with examples from my life or use it in a short story or poem.

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