Free-write Friday: Both of my legs bandaged
A beautiful day
A good day for a long walk
Both my legs bandaged
Yesterday, I had the outpatient procedure on my right leg.
The bandage on that is above my knee, while the bandage on my left leg is below
the knee. Walking with bandages on both legs is difficult, but not impossible.
The nurse at the vein clinic, where I had the outpatient surgery, said I could
take said I could take the bandage off on Saturday.
An R.N. changes the bandage on my left leg once a week. I go
back to the outpatient clinic this coming Wednesday to have the bandage changes
and I see the wound doctor one week after that. I will not know if the bandages
come off my left leg until then. I am looking forward to having the bandages
off both legs. When the bandages are gone I am going out to eat.
I will celebrate
When the bandages are gone
Set down restaurant
Labels: Free-write, Friday, Haiku, senryu

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