Weekly Writer’s Quote: Ideas in the middle of living
My ideas usually come
not at my desk writing but in the midst of living. ~ Anais Nin
I looked out my window and I saw the neighbor’s cat sitting
on their front porch waiting to go into the house. I wrote a poem about the cat
waiting for someone to let her in while the wind was blowing. All right, I do
not get out of my house much on the weekends, but that does not mean I stop
I wish I could get out more on the weekends because I would
find more to write about then the living going on in my house. Right now, my
mother is sitting on the couch wanting to remove the oxygen tubes from her
nose. I know there is a story or a poem in what I call “The Battle of the
Oxygen” and it is not a science fiction story.
It is a story about the devastation of Alzheimer’s disease
not only to the person who suffers from it, but to the family as well. I have written
poems about Mom and Alzheimer’s, but I have not put it in a story yet. I think
that is the next phase of my writing. The problem is that it is difficult to
write about this disease.
As I write this post, I want to cry. I want to cry because
of what is happening to my mother. I also know that I have to write about the
Alzheimer’s disease and its affect my mother and me. I am in the midst of
living with it; therefore, I must write about it.
Labels: Alzheimer's disease, Anais Nin, Weekly Writer's Quote

Nice post. As someone interested in words, I thought you might like to look into the word play in cryptic crosswords (if you aren't already into them). I have been doing a series of posts about cryptic clues and how to solve them. This is the first one in the series:
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