Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Writing Form Poetry Shatters Writers’ Block

A few years ago, I discovered that writing form poetry shatters writers’ block. I have meditated, contemplated, and mulled over this concept for several years in an attempt to answer the question: “Why does writing form poetry shatter writers’ block?

I have concluded that, for me, it is the focus on form. When I write a form poem, I concentrate on the form and the words or metaphors that fit form. By focusing on one poetic attribute, in this case the form, I ignore the voice of my inner critic telling my: “You can’t think of anything to write.”

As a result, of focusing on the form the poem I write may not be good. At this point, whether the poem is good or bad is unimportant because I can always rewrite the poem. The import thing is that I have written a poem and broken writers’ block.

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