Wednesday, March 04, 2009

The advantage of going to bed early

There is an old saying "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." I am no sure about the healthy, wealthy and wise part of the saying, but I do know that going to bed early causes one to get up early. Apparently, a human being can sleep only so many hours and if you go to bed early then you have to get up early because you have gotten all your sleep in for the day.

Getting up early lets you get more work done in a single day. I got up about 2:00 AM and already I have gotten a lot of work accomplished. I emptied all the cat litter pans, checked the bank accounts, and made two blog entries. I have not taken the trash to the garage, but that was because it was dark outside. I need to put new light bulbs in both the front door and garage light fixtures.

The problem with putting lights in is buying them. I have to go to the store and get a couple of long lasting light bulbs for the front porch and the garage. All right, if I made a grocery list when I go to the store I would have gotten the lights before they burned out, but I did not make a grocery list. I am a writer and I did not write a grocery list. My grandmother always made a list before she went to the store and she never forgot anything she went after.

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