Monday, February 23, 2009

Life in the Early 21st Century

All right, I have to admit that I don't think life in the early 21st century is much different from life in the late 20th century. We still have poverty and war, people still judge others by the clothing they wear, the culture they are from, the color of their skin, or the religion they follow. However, humanity is changing slowly but it is changing and we are becoming one human race.

Humanity is a single species, true many today don't see it as such. The concept of humanity is changing from the grass roots level and moving up to the other levels of culture. This change or transformation is occurring at an increasing rate. True isn't occurring fast enough for some and it's occurring too fast for others. The process of a unified human species is occurring because we are one species and the change in opinion mirrors the physical reality of humanity.

Life in the 21st century will improve once the majority accepts the concept of a single human species. Once a person realizes that each individual human is a part of a single species then the welfare of the entire species becomes important. In addition, the individual realizes that his or her actions affect other human beings in some way.

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