Thursday, September 27, 2007

Morning Writing

1 Mashiyyat 164 B.E. - Thursday, September 26, 2007 about 8:06 AM PDT

It's a crisp morning here in Las Vegas, I'm not as stressed as I've been in the past few months. I didn't get up as early as I wanted to this morning, but I'm going to work on that for the rest of Mashiyyat. I may have to reconsider my waking up times. I get up before the alarm goes off, come into the living room and sit down on the couch and doze until the alarm goes off. Then sit back down on the couch and doze a bit more, which is probably why I didn't get the trash out yesterday.

I haven't decided whether mornings, evenings or afternoons is better for me to write. During Mashiyyat I'll see what I complete during those time without stressing. I have several writing projects going, but I'm just going to focus on a day by day basis instead of project by project. I'll wait until 19 Mashiyyat (October 15) to see how that works. It takes about two weeks to get a new habit going, so I ought to have pretty much overcome some of my procrastination by then. I'm not saying this is a problem that can be over come in a short amount of time, but it is possible to overcome it with prayer, persistence and enthusiasm.

I know that some writers work better of a morning, while others have different times of the day to write. There was a time when I thought morning writing was my thing, but I'm not sure now, my muse could be an afternoon or evening muse. I'm going pray and meditate on this subject and see what I comes to mind. In the mean time I'll just write whenever I get the chance, it's possible my muse has not set time to work, but just works whenever she takes the notion. Exploring the myth of the muse and why they are all considered female sounds interesting and educational.
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