Monday, August 20, 2007

Stealing Time

1 Asma 164 B.E. - August 20, 2007

Daily Writing Prompt for Today: Write about stealing time.

I wish I had time to steal. As it is I don't have enough time in the day to do everything I need to do, much less want to do. When I finish this I have to finish, or at least attempt to finish, mopping the dining room floor. Not that it's used as a dining room. There is a hospital bed in there, a television and a black table. The dining room table is in the living room.

Stealing time is something you do when you have lots of time. Stealing time is something to do when you want to procrastinate and put off. I don't want to put off any more, I just want to get it done. I resigned as the president of procrastinators anonymous. I want to get things done, I have the urge to get things done. I have no time to steal from anything. If I did believe me I would steal it.

There isn't enough time in a 24 hour day to steal time from anything. That's the problem. I have to go make a pot of coffee to stay up and get everything done. It's a good thing I'm typing my entries directly into my blogs rather than copying and pasting from Word the way I used to do. Now all I have to do is get the e-mail under control.

If I steal time from one thing, it means I'm not completing a job. As it is mopping is becoming a problem, because I have a sponge mob and they don't work well. I don't like sponge mops. They don't get the dirt up. OK, so if I'd mop everyday there wouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately that isn't an option.
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