Saturday, August 18, 2007

I Went to the Antiques Roadshow

18 Kamal 164 B.E. - August 18, 2007 about 5:50 pm PDT

I went to the Antiques Roadshow in Las Vegas, Nevada today. It was held at the Las Vegas Convention center which is next door to the Hilton Hotel. This was one of those time when being in a crowd didn't bother me because I was having fun. True we stood in a long line waiting to get into the apprasers, but there were so many different people waiting with their treasures that I didn't think of anything, but what was going on around me.
There was one woman with an antique hat box that had the names of several different railroads, many of which aren't running today. One man had a Dale Evens doll and another had an intriguing painting. It looked like string formed into a human shape or a robot. I took two items to have appraised. One is a family heirloom and the other a slide rule I bought at a garage sale for a $1.00.

The family heirloom was a cast iron Saint Banard coin bank that belongs to my mother. I remember Grandpa telling us that he and Grandma got the coin bank when the opened an account at their local bank. When Mom was born my Grandparnts give it to her. The bank was made around 1900 and my mother was born in 1921. The people working at the road show sent me to the Metal Work & Sculputer table with this. The man there sent me to another table, where they appraised the bank.

The other items I took was a K & E slide rule. This item I took to the Science & Technology table. The slide rule was made between 1950 and 1960. The slide rule is worth between $50 and $100, way more than I paid for it. I'll probably find someone to buy it. The bank was appraised at a lot more than the slide rule, but the bank has a family history so I probably won't sell it. Instead I'll give it to one of my nephews or nieces.

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