Tuesday, May 10, 2016

What Shall I Write?

I have two poems to write today. One of them I know the form, theme and the subject, but the other I am not  sure about either. The first one  is a free verse poem about self-knowledge. The second poem is one of a series with the theme of paradise or garden and it has to be a specific form. The second poem goes into a document called "In the Garden" which is composed of several different poetry forms. 

"In the Garden" is twelve poems using specific forms. These poem are inspired by the Twelve Day Celebration of Ridvan. I started this group of poems on April 21, 2016. I have managed to write nine of the  twelve, but now I am stuck as to what the tenth form should be. Maybe I will write a Minute poem, which is a 12-line poem with specific syllable counts for each line and a fixed rhyme scheme. Sometimes fixed form poems are more difficult to write then free verse. 

I have written minute poems before. It is both a difficult and easy poem to write. While I am writing the poem, I think it is difficult. However, when I finish the poem then I forget how difficult it was. This is why writing poetry is similar to giving birth. During labor you feel the pain and stress of the child exiting your womb through the birth canal, but after you see the baby you forget about the pain. That is how it is writing form poetry. 

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