Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Some Days I Don't Want to Write

Some days I don't want to write, 
But I write anyway. 

Today, or rather this afternoon, is one of those days. I finished responding to three blog and a poem prompt on writing.com before I decided I didn't want to write anymore. The problem is that I know still have one item to finish and I may have a couple of writing items to finish. If I don't work on thos items today then I will fall behind. When I fall behind I get depressed and don't want to write. 

I can't let myself get behind today because I know I'll get behind tomorrow. Wednesday we are going to a local food bank and then to a farmers' market. We need to go to both of those because it is the end of the month and the end of the money. Actually we ran out of money before we ran out of month. So we have to go to the food bank and, since I have $30.00 in coupons for the farmers' market, we can go there for fresh vegetables and fruit without it costing us a cash outlay. 

On Wednesday, I may get behind on my writing because I have to leave the house. That's all right as long as I do not get too far behind. Getting out of the house gives me ideas for blog entries and stories. I have not written a poem or story about the farmers' market. I wrote a poem about a food bank in December of 2015, but I have not written a food bank story. Maybe I will do that after I finish story number 10 of 44. 

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