Monday, April 04, 2016

Monday afternoon in Las Vegas

This afternoon, we went to pick up one of my prescriptions. I intended to pick it up tomorrow, but since Tuesday is laundry day and we needed money for the machines in the laundromat we had to go today. It was warm but hot in the car. When we got to the supermarket, where I pick up my prescription, all the handicapped parking places were taken. I have a handicapped placard, so I can legally park in one of those places. The problem was, that one of the cars taking up a handicapped place was illegally parked (it didn't have a handicapped placard or tag).

As s results, I became a bitch. I'm 69 years old and use a walker because it's difficult for me to walk across a parking lot without getting winded or tired. I have a right to be a bitch when someone is illegally parked in a handicapped only place. It isn't that difficult for a handicapped person or elderly person to get a placard. If a driver or passenger in a card needs a placard then go to the Department of Motor Vehicles and get a piece of paper to take to your doctor. If a driver or passenger does not need one then pick a parking place a little farther away.

It's Monday afternoon in Las Vegas
I'm just cooling down
and transforming
from a bitch
to a fairly rested person,
however, my mood may change again
if I get pissed off.

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