Saturday, October 10, 2015

Looking for Writing Ideas on Saturday Morning

This was an interesting and stressful week. I got behind on my writing project and then I got caught up. Today I have a story and a poem to write. The problem is I have no idea where to start either of them. How do I remedy this? I started by taking two bags of trash to the alley, which did not seem to help.

I then brewing another carafe of coffee, but this time I brewed hazel nut coffee. That helped a little. I composed two lines, unfortunately they do not have enough syllables for an English sonnet. This is the issues I have encountered with this sonnet all week. I can think of wonderful lines without enough syllables. Since I do not intend to let these two lines go to waste, I am posting them in this entry.

I inhale the fragrance of morning
The bold aroma of hazel nuts

It is so frustrating. Anyone who does not write form poetry does not know how frustrating it is to have an idea for a poem while being unable to compose lines with the proper syllable length. Yes I know I could write a free verso poem using those line; however, the prompt I am following calls for a sonnet that needs a specific number of syllable in each line. Since I cannot let myself get behind again this week, I will move on to the story. Perhaps if I just open a document and start writing words will come to me.

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