Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thoughtful Thursday: Writing and Gratitude

Today is Thankful Thursday, the day that I attempt to list ten things I am grateful for or to have. I am having a bit of difficulty finding those things and it is not because I have nothing to list. The problem is sitting down and making the list. I start to make the list, my mind goes blank, and the question arises "Am I experiencing Writers' Block or Gratitude Block?"

I am facing a similar issue with stories. I sit down to write a story and, even if I have a prompt, I end up writing a poem. My muse wants to focus on stanza and line rather then plot and character. In addition, it appears that I am facing rewriting block. I am not sure what is causing this problem, maybe it is not getting to the gym or anywhere else since Tuesday evening. On Monday, I sent to the gym, and then on Tuesday, I attended a spiritual gathering.

On Wednesday, I awake to find I was extremely short on an item I need in order to get out of the house. I only have two of those items left, one in my purse and the other in the glove compartment of the car. I do not have enough money to purchase a small package of the items. The only cash I have in the house is laundry money and the money in the bank is already promised. I am at my wits end and I am not sure what to do about it.

I suppose the best thing, under these circumstances, is to start a gratitude list. Therefore, today I am thankful,,,

1. ...that I have enough coffee to last me the rest of the week;

2. ...for the large package of chicken legs I received when I went to Lutheran Social Service because I can fix chicken soup with those and the vegetables I have in the house;

3.  ...that I still have an internet connection and am able to get online;

4.  ...for the beautiful sunshiny day I see when I look out my window.

5.  ...that the electricity is still turned on so that I can fix me something to eat;

6. ...for the six bottles of water I received from Lutheran Social Service when I went on the last Friday of March;

7. ...that I brought two Tupperware© meat keepers with me when I moved from the house because now I have something to store the chicken legs I am not cooking today;

8. ...for the Farmers' Market coupon I received at the beginning of April because now I have something besides canned vegetables to put in my chicken soup;

9. ...that my mood has changed since I woke up this morning because now I have a more positive attitude then I did earlier today;

10. ...for the air conditioner that cools my small apartment down to a comfortable level.

I found ten things to be thankful for, which proves that if I simply sit down and focus on the subject I can overcome whatever type of writers' block I think is afflicting me at the moment.

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