Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday Matters: A Good End to March 2014

March is going out like a lion. On Sunday, March 30, the wind woke me up scattering trash and palm fronds across the neighborhood, This morning when I went to the gym the wind was not blowing hard, but an hour later the wind had increased by two or three miles per hour,  perhaps more. By the time I drove home, seven or eight minutes later, it had increased even more. As I look out the window, I see it has increased another four or five miles per hour.

Since I do not plan an outing this afternoon, it does not matter how fast the wind blows. I have several pieces of writing to finish and I need to do some more reviews on, which makes going out again today difficult. Tomorrow, I plan to do a load of laundry and go to the gym for about an hour. Wednesday morning I have an exercise class and in the afternoon my grief counseling group meets (yes, I am still going to grief counseling because my mother's death hit me really hard). Thursday I have to do another load of laundry (unless I change my mind and do two loads on Tuesday) and then an hour at the gym. I also need to pay my rent on Thursday, so I am not sure how much writing I will accomplish that day.

Today I have to balance my books and sit up my April goals spreadsheet. It is a good thing I picked up food at Lutheran Social Services on Friday, March 28, because now I have stuff I can just pop in the microwave and reheat for my lunch and dinner. I suppose I should check the weather forecast for the rest of the week because I do not want to be surprised by rain or strong gust of wind when I am driving across Las Vegas.

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