Monday, December 09, 2013

I Keep Losing My Cellphone

I lost my cellphone again  today. This is the second time I've laid it down and forgotten to pick it up. Now I have to go back through the house and find it. There is no excuse for this because I have a little blue crocheted bag to put it in and then hang the bag around my neck.

I know I either left the phone in the kitchen or in the bathroom. When I do dishes or take a shower, I take the bag off and lay it down. The problem is that sometimes I forget to pick it up again. I'll check the kitchen when I go into make a cup of hot tea. After I put the water in the microwave, then I'll check in the bathroom to see if I left it in there.

When I leave the house, I put the cellphone in the bottom of my purse. I do this because I don't want to be tempted to answer it while I'm driving, but I do want to know if someone calls. Another reason is that, if I turn the phone off then I forget to turn it back on. Putting it in the bottom of my purse prevents me from answering it when I drive and I don't have to remember to turn it back on when I get home.

Losing my cellphone
is problem when I'm home
unless someone calls

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