Thursday, December 05, 2013

Thankful Thursday: December 5, 2013

Today I am Thankful...

1. ...for the Internet connection because I used it find out about Searchlight, Nevada. I am now looking at the mood in a much more positive light because I may not be as isolated there as I thought.

2. ...that I was able to use the GPs in my Gift Points account to purchase another 3-month premium membership.

3. ...for warmed over coffee in the microwave which tastes all right considering I heated it up in instead of making fresh coffee.

4. ...that I have a hand crocheted meditation blanket to put over my head when I sit down on the couch to meditate.

5. ...for the prayers revealed by Baha'u'llah because they are beautiful and help me through the day, the month, and the year.

6. ...that I have Oveltine to put in the dry milk I mix. The chocolate Oveltine makes the dry milk taste better.

7. ...for the heat radiated by my coffee mug because it alleviates the arthritis pain in my knuckles when I hold the cup in both hands.

8. ...that I can see a cloudless blue sky and the sun shining on the garage when I look out the living room window.

9. ...for hot dishwater because it alleviates the arthritis pain in my fingers when I wash dishes.

10. ...that the wind is not blowing today the way it was yesterday.


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