Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My Cell Phone is Dead

My cell phone has acted weird for two or three months, so I knew that it was knew I was going to have to get a new cell phone at some point. This morning my cell phone died, it contained all my contacts and I do not think I kept copies of that information anywhere. I now need to get a new cell phone and rebuild my contact list.

There are two reasons, this is an inconvenient time for the phone to die. First, I am waiting for someone to contact me to see if I can get some help paying the power bill and keeping the electricity on. Since the money is due tomorrow and the agency has not called me yet, I suspect I may be without power beginning either Friday or Monday. I am hoping they do not turn the power off before Monday.

Second, I cannot get a new phone until after April 3 or 4; I hope I can get one then, but I am not sure about that. I can get a free cell phone for seniors, but I suspect I will have to pay for the minutes. Then there is the hassle of a new phone number. I now have to figure out who I need to contact with the number. I know this time I will keep a separate copy of my contact information.

Fortunately, I still have the land line. I contacted the senior assistance agency as soon as I found out about the cell phone and gave them the land line number. I had planned to drip the land line because I do most of my business using the cell phone. I will have to call my network provider about the cell phone. I suppose I could ask if they have a free cell phone for seniors program.


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