Mundane Monday: April wind in Las Vegas
March is usually associated with wind, but this year April
began with high winds. The wind began blowing either Friday, Mach 30, or
Saturday, March 31, it is still blowing all though not as hard as it was two or
three days ago. The wind reached about 40 miles per hour in some sections of Las Vegas .
I remember hearing the wind Saturday evening. It sounded strong
and it carried all sorts of noises. I heard the wind blowing my patio door open
and closed. I also heard music, somewhere there was a party going on and the
wind carried the party noises all over the neighborhood. The wind blew so hard
that I though it would take out the pine tree. I felt relived the next morning
to find the pine tree, minus a few branches, still standing.
The wind is not blowing as hard as is it was, but it is
still moving the branches of trees and scattering trash across everyone’s
yards. I looked out the kitchen window earlier and saw a plastic trash bag
snagged in one of the oleanders. I will have to get it out of the limbs, but I
am not sure how. It is higher then I can reach, so I will have to use the
latter or find something to hook it. I am not looking forward to getting up on
the latter, at least not while my right leg is still bandaged.
Plastic grocery bag
Caught in oleander bush
White flag in the wind
Labels: April, Friday, Las Vegas, March, oleanders, Saturday, Sunday

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