Friday, March 30, 2012

Free-write Friday: Turning on the cool air in Las Vegas

I listened to the weather this afternoon. The meteorologist said that the temperature in Las Vegas rose to about 80 degrees. When I checked the thermostat, it read about 78 or 79 degrees in the house. I need to consider turning on the cool air because I do not want the temperature in the house to get above 83 degrees.

Tomorrow I will turn on the two area fans we have. One is a small fan in my mother’s room and the other is in the living room. I have it sitting in a location that lets it blow on me while I am at the computer. I do not want the house to get too hot or too cold. Mom get cold not matter what time of year it is. I have to have the house warm enough for Mom and to keep the electric bill in check.

This year I am considering keeping the temperature at 81 or 82 degrees rather then 83 degrees. Mom spends most of the weekdays at an adult daycare center, so the only time I have to worry about her getting cold is in the evenings and on the weekends. For myself, I would like to have the house a little cooler then 83 degrees. I would prefer the indoor temperature about 79 degrees, but I am not sure if our finances could handle the electric bill.

I think I will try the 79-degree temperature for a week or so to see how Mom handles that temperature. She has gained weight since last year so part of her problem may have had to do with her weight. I plan to turn the air on around Easter, if I can last that long without cool air.


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