Monday, July 20, 2009

Remembering Apollo 11 forty years later

"What were you doing on that day?" I was watching the Apollo 11 moon landing on television.

On July 20, 1969, America put men on the moon. Instead of talking about "the man in the moon" we were talking about "the men on the moon". Neil Armstrong left size 91/2 human footprints on the lunar surface. He planted an American flag on the lunar surface.

Today we worry about gas prices, terrorist, and global warming. In 1969, we worried about receiving a raise, finding a respectable college or getting a decent job. Some still worry about those things, but today most of our worries concern are items affected by the global economy and everything that influences the planet.

The world has changed in the forty years since a man walked on the moon. Earth and humanity are in the process of transformation. The planet and humanity will survive this crisis; we have to have faith and work toward solving the present problems.

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin did not get to the moon simply because someone had faith that it could be done. The walk on the moon occurred because of faith and work. The work included creating the technology and training the astronauts.


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