Thursday, July 31, 2008

Unplug those wall warts

Unplug those wall warts and save electricity. You know what I'm talking about, don't you? I'm referring to the electrical plugs for things that we don't use on a regular basis, but still use electricity when they are plugged into the outlet.

Go through the house and check to see if you are using the equipment. The wall wart that connects the phone to the electrical outlet is necessary. Believe me, you don't want your phone battery going dead. If the telephone battery is dead, then the phone doesn't work and you might need the phone in an emergency. However, there are other wall warts that remain connected to the electrical outlet consuming electricity, which go to items we don't use on an everyday or an emergency basis. Those can be unplugged and the electricity saved.

Make a list of the wall warts and their items. Then under each list when they are used, this way you can determine if the wall wart needs to remain connected to the electricity. Unplug those that are just consuming electricity and aren’t used regularly.

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