When I wanted to leave
Kamál (Perfection), 1 Jamál (Beauty), 165 B.E. – Monday, April 28, 2008 about 6:14 PM PDT
Times when I want to leave but cannot usually occur when I get bored, uncomfortable, or stop having fun. Boredem by a presentation or lecture is the worst. I can think of everything I could be doing at home these times. I always have a list of things I could be doing; things that are more productive then listening to a boring lecture or presentation.
I get uncomfortable when I am hungry or tired. I dislike falling asleep sitting in a chair with people on either side. When I sit up and sleep, I snore. I know I snore at these times because I wake myself up. The people on either side do not have to wake me.
A time when I wanted to leave but could not occurred several years ago when I went to a mall on Christmas Eve. I went because I needed to get a gift for some reason. It could not have been a Christmas gift because I do not celebrate Christmas. My reason for going at the time seemed important. I cannot remember why I needed the gift, perhaps a birthday present or something like that.
Anyway I got into the mall and it was crowded with last minute Christmas shoppers. I pushed my way through the crowd and realized I was not having fun shopping. I like to shop, but when I stop having fun doing it then I want to go home. Unfortunately, I could not go home until I bought the gift. I pushed my way through the crowd and finally arrived at the store. It took me an hour and a half to get to the store. It took me another hour and a half to get out of the mall. Then it took me two hours to drive through traffic. The drive is usually less then thirty minutes.
Dairly Writing Practice Prompt for April 28, 2008: Write about a time you wanted to leave but coudln't.
Times when I want to leave but cannot usually occur when I get bored, uncomfortable, or stop having fun. Boredem by a presentation or lecture is the worst. I can think of everything I could be doing at home these times. I always have a list of things I could be doing; things that are more productive then listening to a boring lecture or presentation.
I get uncomfortable when I am hungry or tired. I dislike falling asleep sitting in a chair with people on either side. When I sit up and sleep, I snore. I know I snore at these times because I wake myself up. The people on either side do not have to wake me.
A time when I wanted to leave but could not occurred several years ago when I went to a mall on Christmas Eve. I went because I needed to get a gift for some reason. It could not have been a Christmas gift because I do not celebrate Christmas. My reason for going at the time seemed important. I cannot remember why I needed the gift, perhaps a birthday present or something like that.
Anyway I got into the mall and it was crowded with last minute Christmas shoppers. I pushed my way through the crowd and realized I was not having fun shopping. I like to shop, but when I stop having fun doing it then I want to go home. Unfortunately, I could not go home until I bought the gift. I pushed my way through the crowd and finally arrived at the store. It took me an hour and a half to get to the store. It took me another hour and a half to get out of the mall. Then it took me two hours to drive through traffic. The drive is usually less then thirty minutes.
Labels: writing exercise, Writing prompts

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