Monday, April 28, 2008

When I wanted to leave

Kamál (Perfection), 1 Jamál (Beauty), 165 B.E. – Monday, April 28, 2008 about 6:14 PM PDT

Dairly Writing Practice Prompt for April 28, 2008: Write about a time you wanted to leave but coudln't.

Times when I want to leave but cannot usually occur when I get bored, uncomfortable, or stop having fun. Boredem by a presentation or lecture is the worst. I can think of everything I could be doing at home these times. I always have a list of things I could be doing; things that are more productive then listening to a boring lecture or presentation.

I get uncomfortable when I am hungry or tired. I dislike falling asleep sitting in a chair with people on either side. When I sit up and sleep, I snore. I know I snore at these times because I wake myself up. The people on either side do not have to wake me.

A time when I wanted to leave but could not occurred several years ago when I went to a mall on Christmas Eve. I went because I needed to get a gift for some reason. It could not have been a Christmas gift because I do not celebrate Christmas. My reason for going at the time seemed important. I cannot remember why I needed the gift, perhaps a birthday present or something like that.

Anyway I got into the mall and it was crowded with last minute Christmas shoppers. I pushed my way through the crowd and realized I was not having fun shopping. I like to shop, but when I stop having fun doing it then I want to go home. Unfortunately, I could not go home until I bought the gift. I pushed my way through the crowd and finally arrived at the store. It took me an hour and a half to get to the store. It took me another hour and a half to get out of the mall. Then it took me two hours to drive through traffic. The drive is usually less then thirty minutes.

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