Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Today is Tuesday, December 4, 2007

12 Qawl 164 B.E. - Tuesday, December 4, 2007 about 7:23 AM PST

Today is Tuesday, December 4, 2007, but for some odd reason I woke up this morning thinking it was the 5th of December. Yesterday, was Monday, December 3, but I woke up thinking it was the 4th. I suppose it's going to be this way the rest of the week. I'll be a day ahead all week long. I must admit that is a good plot for a short story or flash fiction piece.

In the story the main character would wake up thinking it was the next day, he or she (I haven't decided which would be better for the character or the story) would go to the day's first appointment and then find out it wasn't the next day at all. That's as far as I've gotten on this idea. Once the character arrived at the appointment, then what would happen. That is an interesting question.

I've never been a day early for an appointment. I have been several hours early for an appointment. A couple of months ago Mom had a doctor's appointment in the afternoon and I thought it was in the morning, so we went. The receptionist didn't tell us any different and we waited in the office until the got us in. The doctor told us when we got in the office. I don't know how I got the appointment written down wrong, stress I guess. Now you know what stress can do.

I could use that experience in the story. The character gets to the appointment and no one tells him/her of the mistake until after the appointment is over, but by that time the character has missed another appointment. The more I think about this the better I like it. There a a lot of ways to approach this type of story. I still have to figure out a twist to the ending (among other things). I'm not sure I could take the character through an entire week of something like that, but I could do a single day or a portion of a day.

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