Friday, December 07, 2007

The Arctic Express

16 Qawl 164 B.E. - Friday, December 7, 2007 about 7:28 PM PST

The arctic express went through my neighborhood today. The wind bent some of the trees almost double and kicked the electricity off for an hour or two. The wind is still blowing, but not as bad as earlier in the day.

I'm a bit chilly, but that could be because I'm drinking ice water. I drink ice water winter and summer. I like my water as cold as it can possibly get without freezing. I know there is a title to a poem or story in both of these items, I'm just not sure yet how to go about it.

The Arctic Express sounds like a good title for a short story or piece of flash fiction. I've written a lot of flash fiction lately. There is a Daily Flash Fiction Challenge on I've managed to enter several day in a row this month. I believe I've missed only one day entering it. Each day a different prompt is posted and you write a story in conjunction with the prompt. The day I missed posting to the challenge, I wrote the story. I just finished it too late to enter it.

Ice Water on a Cold Day would make a good title to a poem. Growing up, my grandmother always gave us water with ice in it winter or summer. I think she did this because all our drinking water came from the kitchen faucet and the ice cubes made it taste better.

Another good title for a poem is Saying Grace, this was how my grandparents referred to the blessing said at meal time. Most of the time my grandfather said grace, but sometimes my grandmother would say the prayer. Grandma usually said grace with grandpa was working and wouldn't be home for lunch.

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