Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Thoughts on God

15 Kamal 163 B.E. - August 15, 2006 A.D.

NOTE: While this was written today (August 15) in my pen and paper journal, it won't be posted to the blog until August 16. I'm leaving the date written instead of the date posted. Not quite sure where this poem is going yet, this is just the beginning of it, this is just brainstorming.

I write that God is unknowable, creation's primal will.

What metaphor denotes unknowable essence?

How do I express what I cannot comprehend
And how can I comprehend a breath exhaled from creation's primal will?
Desire echoes across the parsecs of interstellar space.

Creations's genesis two letters breathed form the hidden cause,
To be known the word the generated stellar evolution,
Knew love for the uncreated creation.

He is God, but how can spirit's essence have a gender,
She is God is just a valid.

Divine essence birthless deathless not incarnated into sentient-material form
To know God is to know God's Manifestations.

Humanity the creation,
Sentient life forms the creation.

We know divine singularity through the reflection in creation's mirror
The Manifestation of reality,
God is He beaus His Manifestations are male
But birth into the world of matter requires a female womb to hold the embryonic material from which the Manifestation's body is formed.

Divine reality one essence many names
A thousand worlds produce a thousand sentient races
A thousand names for a single divine essence
A thousand names and more.

We the creation worship the essence through the mirrors
And we survive the death that comes with material bodies.
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