Monday, August 07, 2006

On a Beach in Mexico

7 Kamal 163 B.E. - August 7, 2006

The picture on the postcard shows a beach in Mexico. There is a dog sitting on the beach at the edge of the surf looking out to sea. He is a black dog sitting on the white sand looking out at the turquoise ocean and the sapphire sky. He is just sitting the staring toward the horizon waiting for something or someone to come out of the surf onto the beach or be washed upon the beach by the waves. Sometimes writing spiritual poetry is like that for the mystic. The mystic looks toward the ocean of God's love, for inspiration and poetic theme. The mystic waits for something to come out of the surf or wash upon the beach and nothing comes. It is times like this that the mystic must get up and walk into the waves and swim in the ocean. Until the mystic gets up and enters the water and swims in the ocean my words will come. However, once the mystic enters the ocean and begins to pray, meditate and read the sacred writings then the muse comes and the words are born out of the interaction between the mystic and the ocean of God's love.
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